I help professionals who feel stuck in their careers make confident decisions about their next step.

So why do you feel stuck now?

You’ve built a career. You’re making money, and even if you’ve been let go, you know you can find another job. And yet, you’re ready for a change. So why do you feel stuck now?

The truth is, staying stuck in indecision feels safe. It lets you avoid the risk of making the wrong choice. Because once you decide, you have to face what comes next—whether it’s a new job, a new path, or something bigger you’ve been avoiding. And that can feel scary.

Sound familiar?

Sound familiar?

  • I should just be grateful for what I have.

  • Maybe I’m asking for too much.

  • What if I make the wrong decision?

  • What if I end up in the same situation?

These are the thoughts that keep us stuck. They feel so real, don’t they? They sneak in, convincing you to play small, stay safe, and avoid taking that next step. Your brain throws all these doubts at you to protect you from the unknown.

“But here’s the truth: You can totally do this.”

— Lydia Bai

About Me

Hi! I’m Lydia.
I’ve faced many career pivots after graduating from Stanford: professional volleyball, investment banking, biz ops, and acting. I know what it’s like to feel stuck—wanting change but trapped in self-doubt and endless “what ifs.”

Acting changed everything.
I stepped out of my comfort zone, faced my fears, and realized something: when I stopped overthinking and just did the thing, nothing bad happened. I felt alive. After years of feeling stuck, that shift was everything.

So, I quit my corporate job with no backup plan—just trust in myself and a clear sense of what mattered to me. And it worked. Four years later, I’m a certified life coach helping others do the same. And I love it.

I’ve proven to myself that when you cut through the doubt and trust yourself, life opens up. And it can for you, too.

Decide what matters.

Trust your path.

Keep going.

I’m ready to take the next step

“Lydia has such an open and approachable style, which made it easy to share what I was struggling with. She helped me work through everything and get clear on what really mattered. After our session, I felt confident and ready to move forward.”

— Sara S, Los Angeles


Get unstuck, make a decision, and start creating what you really want in your life

In the mini-session we will:

  • Focus on what you really want

  • Pinpoint what’s keeping you stuck

  • Identify the main obstacles holding you back

  • Strengthen your trust in your decision-making

You’ll walk away with a sense of possibility and confidence that what you want is achievable. And the belief that you’re fully capable of making it happen.

Decide what matters. Trust your path. Keep going.